Connected exposure and loss management

Connected exposure and loss management

The Asterias Vision

The name Asterias is inspired by the sea star and symbolises the interconnected arms of insurance — the policyholder, broker, (re)insurer, adjuster, and legal — all converging to create a unified solution.

Asterias addresses the need for a dynamic and comprehensive platform to serve the policyholder and all key stakeholders in insurance and loss management.

The Asterias vision is to ensure that the fidelity and efficiency of the first key of information removes the need for data cleansing and inadequate extraction downstream.

Asterias empowers stakeholders with secure, real-time data management.

How Asterias Began

The Asterias Mission

Systemise and digitise all exposure and loss data at source making it useful for any risk or business application.

The Asterias Mission

Explore how Asterias enables structured, connected, high-fidelity exposure and loss data without the project overhead